Find all the Pending Friend Requests you sent on Facebook

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Do you know How to find your pending friend requests and know who un-friended you on Facebook??  Here is a simple Trick to know this..

Facebook , the most popular and commonly visited Social networking site with over 1.15 billion active users is always very cautious about spam. Facebook allows its users to send only limited number of friend requests in an interval of time. If the number of friend requests exceed the limit , first Facebook gives you an alert then a 7 day block on sending requests. If you violate it again then your Facebook account is blocked for 14 days.
How To Find Pending Friend Requests you sent on Facebook

To avoid this what most of us usually want to do is cancel some of the pending friend requests.

Many of us are very curious to find our pending friend requests due to various reasons like  the one which i stated above and also most of the users are victims of accidentally sending request to a random suggestion from People you may know by Facebook or some friend playing a prank on you sending requests from your account to random people(My personal favorite).

Whatever may be the reason what we need is to find our pending friend requests, here's how :

Finding the pending friend requests was literally impossible 2 or 3 years back but there are many ways to find them now

First method is creating a list and manually adding every friend request you send to the list and manually removing them when a request is accepted
You can create a list by Clicking here

Second method is using a Facebook app called Pending Friend Request , you need to allow the app access your information and in this also you need to manually add the friend requests into the app unlike the first method in this you can add friend requests in bulk.

Third method is to download all your Facebook data. In your account settings at the bottom you will find  an option called  "Download a copy of your Facebook data" after downloading it extract the files you will find a file named index.html in which you will find all your Facebook activities, navigate to friends link and you will find your pending friend requests.

Easiest way to find pending friend requests:

  • After you login to your Facebook click on your name on the navigation bar which will take you to your Timeline 
  • On the bottom right of the cover page you will find a button called Activity log.

  • On the landing page towards the left side of the page in the third block Click on More below the photos,likes and comments.
  • Now Click on Friends.

Clicking on friends
  • Now you can see all the friend requests you have sent , accepted and pending.You can even cancel the friend request just by clicking the button adjacent to the name.
In this way you can find who un friended you and your pending friend requests.


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