Awesome GIF Images about How Things Work and Physics Related

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Gifs ( Graphic Interchange Format ) help in understanding the stuff easily. We collected and posted some  amazing and interesting gifs you love to watch to. These help in understanding how things work and there also some physics related gifs. Hope you like them. These are collected from you can find more over there.

Comment Below your Favourite among these.

Ever tried to know how things work?? I hope you like these gifs :)

Working of AK 47 :

How Ak 47 Works

How Key opens Lock :

Key opening Lock

Working of Pistol :

How Pistol Works

Working of Sewing Machine :

How Sewing Machine Works
Now below are some physics related GIFS. 

Water Exposed to Audio Speaker 24 Hz Sine Wave :

Water exposed to audio wave

Surface Tension of Water :

Surface Tension of Fluid

Sharpening of Pencils in Industry :

Pencil Sharpening in Industry

Resonance of Pendulum :

Pendulum Resonance

Bolt Heated By Electricity : 

Heating a bolt Using Electricity

Bullet Piercing into wall :

Bullet into wall animation

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