Funny Youtube Tricks And Geek Week Easter Eggs 2015

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Youtube the largest video streaming portal with over four billions videos being viewed by millions of users world across the globe each day. Youtube which is owned by google has some funny Google Tricks like  "Tilt" or "do a barrel roll" YouTube also introduced some cool funny easter eggs as a part of YouTube Geek Week celebrated from August 4th to 10th in 2013. 
Youtube Tricks
Here are some of the cool easter eggs which are still working:

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1. Missile Command Game

                                       The classic missile command game is now available on YouTube. To play Missile Command game just open any video in YouTube and type "1980" without quotes anywhere on the screen but remember not to type in any text field. Now you have to defend your video for destroying and if you feel the game is slow paced then try typing "2300" which may enhance the game pace.           
Missile Command
Missile Command

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2. Youtube search results in Linux 

                                       Search anything on youtube and the results will appear in Linux text command like GUI also called as ASCII Youtube. To turn your Youtube into ASCII Youtube just use ' / ' without quotes as prefix to any search term and it is very important that you leave a space between the backslash ( / ) and the search term.

ASCII Youtube

3. Use the Force, Luke

                                    Type "Use the Force, Luke" without quotes in search bar and the screen will start shaking , dwindling which is very cool and the page follows the cursor. If you are too lazy to type here is the link . It is an easter egg remembering Star Wars movie.

4. Beam me up, Scotty

                                    Type " Beam me up, Scotty " without quotes in the search bar and the results appear with Star Trek animation effect which is very cool and the even continuous in the succeeding  pages also. I'm not posting the link because the effect will be already gone before you see it.

Beam me up, Scotty

 5. Fibonacci

                          Type " Fibonacci " without quotes in Youtube search box and the results load in a Golden spiral format. Too lazy to type?? don't worry here is the link.


                              In addition to these some Easter eggs which are apparently not working but give it a try 
  • Type 1337 while a video is playing ( Not in a text field) an the comments are converted to L33T language.
  • Type  "Ponies" or " bronies" in the search bar and in the search results you'll see ponies walking on the search results.
  • The oldest Easter egg of Youtube is the famous Snake Game. To play the snake game open a video and when you see the buffering symbol on the screen Press and hold right or left arrow for a couple of seconds and press up arrow. The buffering circle will become your snake and control it using the arrow keys.

Here is the video showing some of the above mentioned tricks :

NOTE: If the video is not clear watch it in HD and Full screen mode

Comment your favourite one among the above listed tricks and share your view with us.

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