Amazing And Funny Google Search Results -Google Tricks 2015

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Google has been dominating the other search engines (Yahoo, Bing etc.) since many years. Most of us agree that it is the best search engine. Even if anyone has a doubt they say to "Google it" but not "yahoo it" or anything else. Most of us use Google as home page because of its low loading time, simple search style and no ads (unlike yahoo and Bing).The above all makes Google Search as the most used search engine till today. 
Here are some funny Google Results pro

Google Tricks

We only know a little about Google.There are many amazing results and doodles which are so popular and many of us are interested in them. 

To see them just time the keywords and hit "I am feeling lucky" button."I am feeling Lucky" is used to launch the first page of the Google results directly.But these days we are using auto search , so you may disable auto search in settings or manually go t the first result of the search results.(Don't worry we provide you the link directly here).

Do check our other articles about G-Mail Protection and Share Folders Google Drive.

Here are the top amazing and Interesting Google Tricks 2014 :

1. Askew :

Search for the word askew in google search box you will find the page becomes tilted. (as the meaning of the askew represents).Also as the tilt has the same meaning it shows the same result
Check it here:  Askew   Tilt

                askew -Google Tricks

2. Do a barrel roll:

As the meaning shows when you search for Do a barrel roll in google the results page rotates in clockwise direction. It is amazing to see the page rotating.You can see the image below..
Check it here: Do a barrel roll

Do a Barrel roll-Google Tricks

3. Recursion: 

When you search for recursion, you find google asking you again "did you mean recursion"
Check it here: Recursion
Recursion--Google Tricks

4. Google gravity:

Search for Google gravity and then I am feeling lucky button then it shows whats happens if gravity act on google home page.If you search again for any info the search results also fall down.This the most famous trick of google which many people like.
Check it here: Google Gravity
Google Gravity-Google Tricks

5. Google Sphere:

Search for google sphere you see a sphere of google including other links revolving around.
Check it here: Google Sphere
                      Google Sphere -Google Tricks

6. Google Space:

Search for Google Space to see google floating in space. This is opposite to Google gravity where google falls there and flies here.
Check it Here: Google Space
Google Space-Google Tricks

7. Atari Breakout:

The year 2013 is the 30th anniversary of Atari's popular game breakout.On account of that google placed this game in its results.This is a great game which can be played irrespective of age and a great time pass game.
  • To play this just Google "Atari Breakout" 
  • click on the Image results
  • the game launches automatically
  • arrow keys to move left/right.
Check it here: Atari Breakout

Atari Breakout-Google Tricks

8. Binary:

when you search binary you can see the google shows the number of results in binary like 'about 111011110111110110 results in 0.44 seconds' which is a binary number containing only 0's and 1's.
Check it here: Binary
Binary-Google Tricks

9. Google Mirror:

It shows a mirror image of google and its search results when you search Google Mirror.
Check it here: Google Mirror

Google Mirror-Google Tricks

10. Play Pacman :

In 2010 Pacman ,one of the most famous games of that time celebrated its 30th anniversary. So Google created a doodle for this game.You can play this game by searching Google Pacman. You see a google Pacman doodle and to play the game click on insert coin.By clicking the insert coin two times you can play along with your friends ( multi player ).
Controls: W/A/S/D for one player and arrow keys for other player.
Check it here: Pacman
Google Pacman-Google Tricks

11. Zerg Rush:

Zergs are the characters in the popular Staff Craft which are advanced aliens whose attacks species in the galaxies. When you search for Zerg Rush in google a number of 0's fall and start destroying the page you should click on them to kill them .Finally they form big GG then the game ends.You can also share your score on G+
Check it Here: Zerg Rush
Zerg rush-Google Tricks

12. Google Goglogo:

Replace google with your own name.With this you can create your own search engine name similar to google and can be used as home page if you like it. 
Check it Here: Goglogo
Goglogo-Google Tricks

13. Google Rainbow:

Do you like the colours of the rainbow ??who doesn't. If you want to make the google in the rainbow colours changing randomly you can see this
Check it here: Google Rainbow
Google Rainbow-Google Tricks

14. Heart:

A part from searching google also mathematical calculations  and even plot for the code below and you will be amazed with the result you see.You will find a heart shaped graph plotted
The code to be searched:
(sqrt(cos(x))*cos(400*x)+sqrt (abs(x))-0.4)*(4-x*x)^0.1 
Check it here: Heart

Heart-Google Tricks

15. Epic Google:

When you search for Epic Google you find the logo increasing slowly.
Check it Here: Epic Google
Epic Google -Google Tricks
Apart from these there are also some other famous google doodles like google guitar and many can find all google doodles here Google Doodles

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These are the most famous Google tricks 2013.If you have any problems or errors while searching them.You can comment below we will help you...
thank you... :)


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