Google’s Smart Contact Lens to Arrive by 2029 : Google Smart Lens - Google and Novartis hope to launch smart contact lens in five years.

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Google contact lens is the upcoming new arrival which is used to check the sugar and glucose levels analyzing through tears and may be on the market before 2029. This contact lens which is developed by Google X team. There is a wireless antenna inside of the contact lens that is thinner than a human’s hair, which will act as a controller to communicate information to the wireless device. The performance of the contact lenses in windy environments and teary eyes and the prototypes being tested can generate a reading once per second. Google has previously said that general availability of the contact lens is most likely at least five years away. The contact lens idea originally funded by the National science foundation.

Features Of Contact Lens :

Mostly across the world people may not come across or know about the information of contact lens. Here we provide the clear information and telling about some of the features of Google contact lens. The below are the features of contact lenses is as follows :

  • Although, the acceptance and accuracy of the technology can only be gauged once it is actually enters in the market.
  • The company announced that it was working on a lens that would be able to measure a wearer’s glucose levels by analyzing their tears.
  • Power will be drawn from the device which will communicate data via the wireless technology.
  • There is a wireless antenna inside of the contact lens which will gather, read, and analyze data.
  • Official announcement that scientists have long looked into how certain body fluids can help track glucose levels easier.
  • There is a lot more work left to do before the product can be released for general usage, which is said to happen in five years.
  • While Google teaming up with one of the biggest players in pharmaceuticals makes the smart Google lenses seem a lot closer to reality.

Advantages Of Google Contact lenses :

  • The lens could potentially remove the need for diabetics to prick their fingers and draw blood to check their blood-sugar levels.
  • Google’s smart contact lens that will measure glucose levels in diabetics by analyzing their tears.
  • No need to go to doctors for sugar check up. You can check by yourself regularly through this lens.
  • Researches have been proven that the contact lens method is less painful. 
  • The less time consumption for diabetics then the traditional finger pricking.However, for a project that is supposedly in the research phase, it seems an interesting step to apply for a patent on how to package the product for consumers.
  • This Google contact lens is very save and easy to wear it as lens to your eyes and it is very soft lens.
This contact lens are replaced the existing blood tests that diabetics currently require in order to measure glucose levels also. People are exited about this product that when it comes to market. Finally i need to conclude that many more researches are going on this Google contact lens as takes some time away. Thanks for reading the post we kept more efforts in gathering the best information about the Google contact lens.


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