Drag Facebook Chat box : Facebook tricks

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Here a simple Facebook trick to drag the facebook chat box to any where on the page using a small Chrome extension. Install the extension and you can thus increase the font size in the chat and place the chat box any where on the page. In addition to these it also provides some extra facebook chat emotions.

Drag facebook Chat Box : Facebook Tricks
Also Read : Facebook  Prank - Ghost Profile
Displace Chat Box

Follow the below steps and you can drag your own chat box also :

  • Download the Pretty Facebook Chat Extension from here
  • After Google Chrome completes the Installation of the extension you can find a small red chat symbol beside URL.
Symbol on left side
  • When you are using facebook the sam button appears beside side chat Window.
Beside Chat Window

  • Enable it and the chat gets displaced from the original position.
  • You can place the chat box any where on the Page.
  • In addition you can also use some added emotion Facebook Chat codes embedded images.

How to Uninstall the extension : 

  • Go to Chrome → Settings
  • In the left pane select Extensions
  • Click the delete symbol beside the Pretty facebook Chat
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