Android BBM vs Whatsapp Comparision - Which is Best

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Whatsapp Vs BBB Review. Which is Best ??

Blackberry finally released  its popular instant messaging app Blackberry Messenger popularly know as BBM to Android and IOS users it is reported that it is downloaded over 10 million times by Android and Iphone users. On the other hand Whatsapp, the most used messaging app is has 1.1 billion downloads on the play store. So there is no doubt that these two apps will compete neck to neck in the coming days.

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In this post we are going to suggest which app is suitable to use,what are the additional features that  BBM has and can BBM beat Whatsapp?? So let us begin from Installation...

Cost :

Both BBM and Whatsapp can be downloaded for free from Playstore. But Whatsapp is free for only one year and it charges from the next. 

Setup :

Blackberry messenger requires e-mail id to register. A verification mail is sent to the mail to verify the user. And each user will be given a unique PIN. If you want to switch to other device you need to remember the password that you created while creating the account.

Whatsapp registers users with their phone numbers. It sends the verification code to the phone just type the code and you are done. If you wish to switch to other device it again sends the verification code to the phone. Here there are no pins.

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Inviting Contacts :

In Blackberry Messenger  contacts can be added through emails or PIN.You need to find which of your friends are using BBM and ask their PIN ( which is difficult to remember ) and you should invite him. You can see his contact in your messenger if he accepts your invitations. And BBM contacts can also be invited through e-mails also.

In Whatsapp it automatically synchronizes the contacts from your phonebook and shows whether that contact user is  using Whatsapp or not. This makes the job easy in Whatsapp. No need to remember PIN s and e-mail ids of friends.

Profile and look :

Blackberry Messenger  gives notifications of the updates ( like changing display pic ..) done by the other contacts. . It shows a symbol on the status bar when ever it is active irrespective of received messages.The contacts profile pictures can be downloaded.You can add a .gif image as your profile picture. A separate wallpaper cannot be added to BBM like whatsapp
Blackberry Messenger left paneBBM right pane

Whatsapp has a simple look when compared to BBM. It does not give any notifications of the other contacts activities. It shows its symbol on the status bar only if you receive a message in Whatsapp..It does not allow users to download profile pictures of others friends.


BBM beats Whatsapp here with its message status. A grey dot beside message shows that the message has been delivered to BBM servers D means message has delivered and R means that the message has been read. It lacks the last seen option . You don't know whether the other member is online or not. It also has a PING option when sent it awakes the other with a vibration.
BBM's look in individual chat is not good.It every time shows the contacts name and profile pic with every message though it is an individual chat.

BBM individual chat View
BBM shows name and profile pic for each message

Whatsapp has the last seen option.There is no conformation whether the message is read or not.No separate PING and other options to vibrate. It has good chat look it displays only messages in chat window unlike BBM which shows name and picture for every message.

Whatsapp Individual Chat view
Clear View of messages in Whatsapp

File Sharing :

Blackberry Messenger  has only option for sending images only though many said it has options for sending videos and other type of files you can see the screenshot of the attach file window below.Voice messages can also be sent through BBM but you need to go to options and then select add voice note and then record.

Attaching files in BBM

Through Whatsapp one can share images and videos files only. To send a voice message you can directly record in the chat window by holding record button which usually saves time.

Multiperson Chat :

BBM allows users to add people to chat.
Whatsapp has no option for multiperson chat.

Also Read : Protect your G-Mail account with 2 step Verification

Emotion smileys:

Smileys express our mood exactly and easily to the other person. Check : Facebook Big smiley emotions.
BBM has very few smileys emotions compared to Whatsapp and when sent they are displayed in very small size in chat window.
Whatsapp has more emotions and their display in chat is good.
Emotions in  Whatsapp


BBM differs a lot from whatsapp groups it has saperate section for images uploaded and group members can comment on the images without messing with the chat. These comment notifications can also be seen in the updates. A saperate secton for Events is also present where events can be scheduled. You cannot share videos in group also.

Whatsapp has no no commenting system for the uploaded images in group. You can share videos also.

Final Word on BBM and Whatsapp :

BBM Pros :

  • Message -Delivery and Read 
  • PING 
  • Contacts update notifications.
  • Groups - Image Commenting and Events 
  • No phone needed.
  • Free.

BBM Cons :

  • Individual Chat view.
  • Smileys less and displayed very small.
  • No Video sharing option.
  • PIN inviting system.

Whatsapp Pros :

  • Automatic contacts synchronize.
  • Video sharing.
  • Large number of Emotion Smileys.
  • Good Individual Chat view.

Whatsapp Cons :

  • No read message notifications.
  • Groups- No image comments and events.
  • No update notifications of contacts.
  • Free for only 1 year.
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